Today’s volunteer experience was a little different than the rest. I volunteered with Indie Memphis at the Levitt Shell movie concert series where they were sponsoring a documentary film called Big Easy Express. The film is about the cross country train tour of Mumford and Sons, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, and Old Crow Medicine Show in April 2011. My volunteer responsibility was to chat with people who came by the merchandise table and answer any questions they may have about purchasing t-shirts, obtaining an Indie Memphis membership, or sponsoring an event. There was definitely an impressive number of people present for the film. You would think that a concert film would not be as appealing to people as a live concert, but there certainly seemed to be a comparable number of people present to those who attended the summer concert series. And the film was great! All three bands are ones I am familiar with and actually enjoy, so I knew I would love the music played throughout the film. I was able to enjoy the event with a group of friends who joined me once the film began.

This picture is actually from a few months back because I completely forgot to take pictures while I was volunteering. Still a great picture from the Shell!
The Levitt Shell is one of those gems of Memphis that I love to share with visitors. Not only is it wonderful because it’s free entertainment, but every event I’ve attended there has been fantastic. There’s something about being with people from all over the city, sitting on blankets, enjoying the weather, and listening to some great tunes. It’s a very unifying experience. Better yet, every event is sponsored by individuals and businesses in the city which really emphasizes the community aspect of each event. It’s rare you find fun things to do in a city that are free. The Levitt Shell brings back opportunities for fun that were a common occurrence for my parents and grandparents. With movies now at a whopping $10 a ticket, my husband and I rarely make the decision to go. We’re always looking for unique, fun, and cheap things to do in Memphis with friends. The Levitt Shell is, and will continue to be, one of those places we hope to enjoy for years to come. I enjoyed this opportunity to give back to a place that has given me wonderful memories and fun times with friends.
The Levitt Shell would be nothing, though, without sponsors for each event. Indie Memphis sponsored this event, so I have them to thank for a wonderful night of music. Through this volunteer opportunity, I was able to learn a little more about what Indie Memphis does and the awesome events they have throughout the year. They connect and inspire indie filmmakers and film-lovers through the all the unique opportunities they bring to the community. Thank you Indie Memphis for sharing such a fun documentary with Memphis!
What I learned about myself today: I love being a Memphian. The people, the environment, the enthusiasm: all are aspects of Memphis that make it so unique. I can truly say I’m proud to be a part of the Memphis community.