Catholic Charities of West Tennessee

Week 11, Day 1: Ann-Katherine at Catholic Charities Food Pantry

2013-08-05T14:45:51+00:00August 5th, 2013|

My Volunteer Odyssey has begun!   I was super excited to start this week, and what makes it even better is the addition of my wonderful friend Julie Platten.  She will be sharing most of this week’s experiences with me and assisting as my personal photographer when opportunities allow. We started

Week 1, Day 4: John Cook at Catholic Charities of West Tennessee

2013-03-07T16:00:03+00:00March 7th, 2013|

Hunger is a feeling everyone can identify with. Whether it's because you're trying to lose some weight, or perhaps just too busy and had to skip a meal, at some point in your life you've experienced that empty, painful feeling. However, most of us overcome this feeling relatively quickly. We

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