2019 Volunteer Week
National Volunteer Week was established by Presidential Proclamation in 1974 to highlight the various opportunities available for those interested in volunteering.
This year, we will be celebrating National Volunteer Week from April 8-14th and invite you to join us!
Everyday we will be highlighting a volunteer opportunity and sharing a volunteer story to help #ShareYourService. Feel free to tweet, post, tag, or email us if you’d like to share a volunteer story!
#ShareYourService Stories
Memphis Volunteer Week #ShareYourService: Stefan
Memphis Volunteer Week #ShareYourService: Carolyn
Memphis Volunteer Week #ShareYourService: Candice
Memphis Volunteer Week #ShareYourService: Abby
Memphis Volunteer Week #ShareYourService: Heather
Memphis Volunteer Week #ShareYourService: Mark
Memphis Volunteer Week #ShareYourService: Alexis