Hi! My name is Dannon Eubanks. I was born and raised in Brownsville, TN, but now call Memphis home. I came to the University of Memphis for college in 2015 as part of the Emerging Leaders Scholarship Program and haven’t looked back. 

Well, sort of… During my freshman year of college I struggled to find my place here. I spent lots of time and energy planning my next move, figuring out where to transfer. I spent that following summer in Wyoming and found myself longing to be back in Memphis. I realized that the energy I was spending trying to escape could be used to get to know this city. 

That’s exactly what I did. I knew I would never be happy here until I felt invested in Memphis. I started volunteering regularly, something the Emerging Leaders program pushed for. Like Volunteer Odyssey, our program wanted us to shift from drop-in volunteer to committed volunteer. I tried out a few places and found myself volunteering in an elementary school in Binghampton every Friday. That volunteer opportunity turned into an internship which led me to teach Second Grade the year after I graduated college. In addition to interning at that school, I also interned with Volunteer Odyssey, a role that taught me a lot about my passions. 

I am thrilled to put my love for the city of Memphis and my panoply of interests and talents to use at Volunteer Odyssey full-time. In this role, I will be working closely with our nonprofit partners, coordinating events for our corporate partners, connecting individual volunteers to opportunities, managing our Volunteer Odyssey Platform, and planning virtual events. 

What’s your connection to Volunteer Odyssey? I’d love to hear from you! Send me an email to dannon@volunteerodyssey.com. I look forward to working with each of you.