harliDuring the last few months I had been looking for a job in the Memphis area. My cousin Baylee had been helping me a bit, sending me emails with opportunities and such. One day I received an email from her with the subject “Volunteer Odyssey”. After reading into this program I knew that this would be such an amazing opportunity for me to grow as a person, and to start giving back to my community.

I’ve always been a big advocate for serving others. I spent 11 summers at camp where the motto was to always put others before yourself. On a hot day when there was just one bomb pop left and two girls without one, always give it to your cabin mate. This was obviously just a small act, but as a 7-year-old the mindset made such a difference within me. Now at 18 years old I’ve found myself over the last few years wanting to give back to my community and serve others, but unsure of where to start. There were so many issues I knew that I could be contributing to but which one? The homeless, sheltered dogs, children in need, the list goes on. Volunteer Odyssey gave me the chance to do not one of the things on my list, but all of them.

I know that this week is going to push me as a person, and most likely open my eyes to new things but I am so excited to get started. I can’t wait to meet new people, experience new things, and hopefully find somewhere that feels like home and keeps me coming back.